Tuesday 23 December 2008

Finally..."Nos Da"

After many months of bashing my laptop, sitting in cupboards, trawling blogs, twiddling knobs, rewinding tapes and drinking tea it is finally here

mp3 ---> Sammyfax - Nos Da <--- mp3

(Direct Link 192kbps)
Was it worth it? Probably not but it's here, it's free, spread the word...if you like.

Monday 22 December 2008


Almost almost there, tweaking to the MAX. The running order goes a little something like this

1. Click
2. Missing
3. What's My Name?
4. Zlatan
5. Bench
6. Issues
7. Green Man, Red Man
8. Rude Clouds
9. Self Service
10. George

Tomorrow, I promise, maybe

Thursday 11 December 2008


It's been a bit quiet lately because I've been focusing on the big lump of Nos Da, some new bits, some old bits with different tracks, some bits the same, some bits not there at all.

But it's shaping up, after a fashion


Thursday 4 December 2008

"Bench" - 11th bit of Nos Da

Brian Eno, Ariel Pink and a competition to win an orange

mp3---> Sammyfax - Bench

(Direct Link)

Tuesday 2 December 2008

"Daisy" - 10th bit of Nos Da

A Brazda Brothers loop and a tale of betrayal...

mp3---> Sammyfax - Daisy

(Direct Link)

Monday 1 December 2008

Sunday 30 November 2008

"Issues" - 8th bit of Nos Da

A Methodist Youth Association 7" recorded in 1974 and found in a Salvation Army Store in Cornwall, Esther Rantzen's birth relaxtion tips, Arthur Russell and new Health and Safety initiatives.

mp3---> Sammyfax - Issues

(Direct Link)

Thursday 27 November 2008

Direct Links

As promised here are the direct links to the mp3s rather than faffing about with justfreespace so right click away....

The Shepherd
What's My Name?
It's not the end of the world
Self Service

"Sonic" - 7th bit of Nos Da

mp3---> "Sonic" - Nos Da part 7

(Via justfreespace)