Sunday 30 November 2008

"Issues" - 8th bit of Nos Da

A Methodist Youth Association 7" recorded in 1974 and found in a Salvation Army Store in Cornwall, Esther Rantzen's birth relaxtion tips, Arthur Russell and new Health and Safety initiatives.

mp3---> Sammyfax - Issues

(Direct Link)

Thursday 27 November 2008

Direct Links

As promised here are the direct links to the mp3s rather than faffing about with justfreespace so right click away....

The Shepherd
What's My Name?
It's not the end of the world
Self Service

"Sonic" - 7th bit of Nos Da

mp3---> "Sonic" - Nos Da part 7

(Via justfreespace)

Sunday 23 November 2008

Monday 17 November 2008

"It's Not The End Of The World" - 4th Bit of Nos Da

Here's the latest bit I got finished over the weekend, sorry it's been a bit quiet here, relocated to Lahn' for some work experience. Anyways click on through to the other side

mp3 ---> It's not the end of the world - part 4 of Nos Da

(via justfreespace)

Friday 14 November 2008

Thursday 13 November 2008

"George" - 3rd Bit of Nos Da

And here's the next bit of Nos Da, please meet George.

(via justfreespace)

Wednesday 12 November 2008


"Self Service" - second bit of Nos Da

The second bit of Nos Da is yer, encapsulating the new-fangled struggle of man versus checkout. Once again click through wait a few seconds and it’s yours.

MP3 ---> Self Service - Nos Da Part 2 mp3 (via justfreespace)

Tuesday 11 November 2008


"Click" - 1st bit of Nos Da

Here as promised is the first bit of Nos Da - “Click”. It’s not necessarily the opening bit or as it will sound in the final lump, I’ll figure that out when I jam it all together at the end but it’s the first bit I’ve finished. I’ll get around to hosting it proper soon, but in the mean time click through the bumf and it’s all yours.

Click - Nos Da Part 1 mp3 (via justfreespace)

Monday 10 November 2008

What Is Nos Da

Nos Da is a little experiment.

It will be a composition of monologues and tape hiss, surrealism and interference, comedy sketches and ambient music, found sound and silence.

Every once and so often I'll be posting short bursts of it. It will eventually be half an hour long, or so I hope. I also hope it'll be a bit Blue Jam, a bit Ivor Cutler. Feedback would be warmly welcomed.

The first bit should be up in the next couple of days...
